Dark Dwellings: Rural America

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Ohio Backlands

Driving at night in the spacious farmlands of Ohio feels... eerie. It's all long stretches of land, a haunting sense of loneliness, silence and darkness, with only two sources of light-- your car headlights and an occasional farmhouse in the distance.
You want to speed just to get out of this desolate area, but you can't. You don't know what kind of deer or ... horse, chickens, dogs (this happened to me in Virginia Beach)... will be crossing in the dark.

Buck shots, John Deere, tractor and feed stores... all of it smells of rural America.

It took me two hours of lostness and a dying cell battery to find my hotel  but along the way, I discovered beauty of darkness and farmlands.This is a project compilation from exploring the backwoods territories of Ashland, Ohio and Virginia Beach, Virginia.Please enjoy!


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